Our bodies are incredible, and it’s time we stop glorifying weight loss like it’s the most impressive thing the body can do.
By optimizing weight health from the inside out, addressing root causes, loving yourself through the process, and implementing healthy habits and balance, the body will naturally shift to a healthy optimal weight for us (not anyone else or society’s idea of a healthy weight).
Many factors play a role, and optimal weight health is so much more than calories and exercise!!
Weight health is not one size fits all, looks different on everyone, and should not include guilt or shame.
So often we’re told that achieving and maintaining a healthy weight is a simple mathematical equation of calories in vs calories out. All we have to do is “diet” and exercise.
Yes, proper nutrition that is anti-inflammatory is important.
Yes, movement in the correct amount for you, is also important.
However… There is so much more to optimal weight health!
There are underlying root causes that may be creating inflammation, affecting our immune system, disrupting our hormones, and creating an environment inside that is actually preventing us from achieving and maintaining health and as a result optimal weight health.
Factors Affecting Optimal Weight Health
- Sleep
- Liver Health
- Toxins & EMFS
- Food Sensitivities
- Blood Sugar Balance
- Emotional Trauma
- Hidden Infections
- Gut Health
- Mold
- Unmanaged Stress
- Nutrient Deficiencies Hormones
Wholistic Nutrition weight health isn’t a magic pill, and it’s not a new fad diet with the “perfect” exercise plan. We recognize that weight health has deep-rooted causes that cannot simply be corrected by restricting calories and exercising more.
If you’re doing all the things and feeling stuck, I encourage you to give yourself grace and love and thank your body for trying to keep you safe. I also encourage you to dig deeper because we are more than a mathematical equation.
– Becky & Jeff Witt