Did you know that hormones, much like the systems of the body, work together like a symphony? These hormones and systems are working together for your good and don’t become “out of tune” for no reason.
The key to rebalancing hormones is digging deeper to find that reason aka root causes.
The liver is the major site for hormone metabolism. Showing our liver some love is essential for hormone balance. The liver can not be overburdened for proper hormone regulation. The liver has 2 phases of detoxification and those have to be working optimally and supported through nutrition and lifestyle.
The gut microbiome acts as the conductor of the orchestra and influences nearly every hormone in the body including thyroid, estrogen, melatonin, serotonin, cortisol, epinephrine, and norepinephrine. If there are imbalances in the gut bacteria or if there are pathogens present, this can impact hormones.
Toxins in the form of xenoestrogens can act like estrogen in the body and contribute to estrogen dominance. Estrogen dominance feels like PMS, fatigue, weight gain, bloating, mood swings, headaches, etc.
One can not have balanced hormones without balanced blood sugar. Blood sugar imbalances disrupt insulin creating a cascade effect with estrogen and progesterone.
Adrenal issues or increased stress can increase cortisol leading to increased blood sugar, increased inflammation, and an imbalance of thyroid hormones and or sex hormones.
Balanced omega 6 to omega 3 levels decrease inflammation and can help normalize estrogen levels. An estimated 70% of Americans don’t get enough omega 3s.
Studies show that sleep restriction results in metabolic alterations, decreased glucose tolerance, decreased insulin sensitivity, and increased hunger hormones.
Nutrition is the solid foundation on which hormones are balanced, and nourished. The body must be nourished in order to feel safe to produce hormones.
By finding the out-of-tune system and or hormones, there’s always hope and natural ways to improve hormone synchronicity through individualized nutrition, digestive improvement, stress reduction, and or liver detoxification.
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– Becky & Jeff Witt